On Friday, October 26th approximately 120 peopleattended the Crandon Area Historical Society Walk and Talk featuring members of the Crandon School District’s drama team and Crandon High School band. The weather was perfect for a night on the town, and attendees heard stories researched and written by historical society members and student researchers. A few of the stories got a few laughs, but mostly participants enjoyed listening to the history of our city’s main street including the 1903, 1905 and 1912 fires that destroyed portions of Lake avenue. A good reminder as to why we support our city fire department!
Mrs. Alicia Bradley, Drama club adviser, and Mrs. Amy Buckovic, assistant, also dressed the part and encouraged the actors and actresses to speak up as main street traffic was a little nosier than expected. It is anticipated that the funds raised at the event will be used to purchase portable microphones for future tours.

Our tour guides for the evening were community members Jill Krueger and Tammy Stroik, dressed as classical 1940’s Crandon Women’s Club members.
For those of you who may have had a difficult time hearing the stories, or missed the event altogether, will be excited to know that the scripts for the event will be available online soon and printed copies of the scripts will be available at the Crandon Public Library. Photos of downtown Crandon, including the Opera House fire, can be seen in the windows of the Pioneer Express. Thanks Mike for sharing these!
Overall, the event was a great success with our youth and community members actively learning about what makes Crandon a unique hometown. For more information about the Crandon Area Historical Society, please contact Michelle Gobert at 715-478-7797.