The joys of summer. Long days. Fishing. Lake Metonga. Genealogy Research.
Yep, that’s right. During the busy summer months, the Crandon Public Library sees an upswing in the number of visitors researching their family history. Just this week we enjoyed a visit from Kevin Jackson of Cudahy, Wisconsin. Kevin is researching the Wickham, Jackson, and Domrose families of early Crandon and left the library with a large stack of obituaries and newspaper clippings from our microfilm collection. {It also helped that the Library Director is also researching the same Wickham line!}
Before leaving Kevin shared with us the following photo from his Jackson family’s collection. It is an early photo of the Crandon Lions Club. Kevin estimated the photo was published pre-1959.
Thanks Kevin for the great photo and we look forward to visiting with you on future research trips!