Good Afternoon Forest County!
The month of March is Women’s History Month so to honor all the great women throughout history my monthly exhibit will reflect that theme. Please come visit the Crandon Public Library and check out the display that invites you to “Discover Local History through the Female Lens”. To coordinate with that subject, there is a book display next to the new book section of works that feature strong women characters. There is also a table outside of the children’s room whose story lines include positive role models. Every Friday this month I will highlight a woman from Forest County history that served the community and thrived in the frontier environment.
This week’s lady of honor is Edith Keith. Edith was born in Peoria, Illinois to William and Stella Brubaker on October 21st, 1884. She was a graduate of Bradley College and the Chicago Art Institute. She came to Crandon in 1906 to teach art and music. Edith became Mrs. Harry Keith on October 21st, 1907. Mr. Keith owned a mill and a lumber company and was a businessman. Edith was the founder and two term president of the Rural Art Society. She received the prestigious John Stewart Curry Memorial Award for her dedication to the arts. Mrs. Keith was also said to be the first to woman to drive unescorted from Chicago to Crandon in 1911 (Forest Republican 1982). Can you imagine that car ride?